Fuck Off Ballon d’Or, Just Fuck Off

Of course the coronavirus is continuing to have a devastating impact on the world but to suspend the awarding of the Ballon d’Or is a pussy move.

The Ballon d’Or is the most prestigious personal award in the world of soccer.  Quite simply it is reserved for the greats of the game and is also a symbol of hope and fortitude (or was).

Launched in 1956, just a year after the end of World War 2, the first winner of the award was Sir Stanley Matthews.  One of the most beloved and cherished English footballers of all time.  A man who lost six years of his career between the age of 24 and 30 to World War 1, but still managed to receive 54 caps for his country, scoring 11 goals.


Sir Stanley Matthews won the award at the age of 41.

It is the symbolism and fortitude of people like Sir Stanley Matthews who make countries great.

Now you might be thinking that its only fair to suspend the award because a number of football leagues including France and Holland have been cancelled due to the coronavirus.

But fuck fairness.

Do you think Sir Stanley Matthews was weeping and whining whilst he spent the prime years of his professional football career protecting his country from the Germans during World War 1?


And it’s that mentality that pushed Matthews on to became one of the greats of the sport and win the Ballon d’Or at the age of 41.

Fuck off Ballon d’or. Just fuck off.